152.9. A pensioner for whom the number of years and parts of a year of service used for computing the pension was reduced and who, on the date the pensioner ceased to participate in this plan, was or would have been entitled to be credited with years and parts of a year of service under the provisions of the plan may, if the pensioner applies to redeem that service within 180 days of the date of the decision sent by Retraite Québec notifying the pensioner of the reduction, take advantage of those provisions to be credited with years and parts of a year of service, up to the number by which the pensioner’s service was reduced.
The amount the pensioner must pay to cover the cost of redemption is established on the date of retirement and the provisions apply, with the following modifications:(1) the “date of receipt of the application” and any reference to that date are references to the date of retirement;
(2) when the cost of redemption is established on the basis of the annual pensionable salary on the date of receipt of the application for redemption, the annual pensionable salary is equal to(a) the salary that was or would have been paid under the conditions of employment that were or would have been applicable if the pensioner held or had continued to hold, until the date of retirement, the employment the pensioner held on the last day of credited service before retiring; or
(b) if the employment held with the employer no longer exists on the date of retirement, the salary the pensioner received on the last day of credited service, increased by the percentage of increase for the salary scale provided in the conditions of employment applicable to class 4 public service management personnel between the last day of credited service and the date of retirement; and
(3) when the amount required to cover the cost of redemption bears interest, no interest is computed after the date of retirement.
The amount required to cover the cost of redemption is payable in a lump sum.
2015, c. 27, s. 38; 2015, c. 20, s. 61.